Annual Meeting
Stage Harbor Yacht Club
Flag Officers (one-year term)
Commodore: Chris Ritchie
Vice Commodore: Bill Driscoll
Rear Commodore: Michael Hearle

Officers (one-year term)
Treasurer: Kevin Cassidy
Secretary: Trude Goodman Tiesi
Directors At Large 
Susan Wegner (2025) 
Rich Parker (2025) 
Denis McSweeney (2025)

Directors ex-Officio
Regina Shakin
Meg Parker

Continuing Directors at Large (not up for election)
Jake Siewert (2024)

Respectfully submitted,
The Nominating Committee

Jim Sullivan, Chair
Audrey Fenton
Jane Frye
Maryann Smith
Regina Shakin, Ex-Officio

2023 Annual Meeting
Stage Harbor Sailing School, Inc,


Officers (one-year term)
Commodore: Chris Ritchie
President: Meg Parker
Treasurer: Kevin Cassidy
Clerk: Craig Gothie
Directors At Large
Victoria Chane (2025)
Julie Mon (2025)
Victoria Quake (2025)
Directors ex-Officio 
Bill Driscoll 
Michael Hearle
Continuing Directors at Large (not up for election)
Andrew Goodman (2024) 
Gregg Forger (2024)

Respectfully submitted,
The Nominating Committee

Jim Sullivan, Chair 
Audrey Fenton
Jane Frye
Maryann Smith
Regina Shakin, Ex-Officio
Membership on the Nominating Committee
Stage Harbor Yacht Club, Inc
Stage Harbor Sailing School, Inc.
2023 Annual Meeting


Members of the Nominating Committee
Christopher Loftus, Chair
Trevor Ritchie
Maryann Smith
Jim Sullivan
Regina Shakin, ex-officio

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Ritchie Commodore